MA Art in Science
Theo Hall
Theo Hall's practice-based research explores the pedagogy of visual language in ornithological illustration. His role as a secondary science tutor and his experience as a trainee bird ringer with the British Trust for Ornithology influence and inspire his research projects.
Passerine Processing 101
An infographic field guide for trainee bird ringers, Passerine Processing 101 is designed to be a quick check for common ageing and sexing techniques when working in the field.
This publication is intended to supplement trainer knowledge and established British Trust for Ornithology (BTO) learning material. By providing streamlined, simplified diagrams and information, it can be used as an educational scaffold on the way to fully understanding the codes and language used in bird ringing.
All birds shown in the images are handled under BTO licencing. It is illegal to handle wild birds without the proper licencing and training.
Image 1: Passerine Processing 101: front cover showing common passerine markings and topography.
Image 2: Passerine Processing 101: primary wing moult workflow page. Watercolour and digital drawing.
Image 3: Draft version of Passerine Processing 101 being used in the field to give a primary moult score to an adult Eurasian Wren (Troglodytes troglodytes).
Image 4: Poster for ageing Eurasian Bullfinch (Pyrrhula pyrrhula) using wing plumage, exhibited at Glastonbury Science Futures 2022.
Image 5: European Goldfinch (Carduelis carduelis) L: being processed in the field R: watercolour and pen plumage study.
Image 6: Crested Tit (Lophophanes cristatus) Watercolour study.