MA Art in Science
Clare Stott
Clare Stott is a scientist and artist at the interface of art and microbiology, with a focus on Bioart, sound, music and extended realities.
PseudoSonication is comprised of four key projects, which explore new combinations in microbiological sound art.
Labophone and Lab sounds, is an experimental noise box made from lab equipment with laboratory field recordings.
Microbiological mapping on the Tenori-On, is the sonification of microbial growth on agar as a musical interpretation of non-human life in an environment.
Sonification of the Genetic Information of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Translates the genetic information of bacteria into sound.
The Labolero is an impractical Lab coat/bolero in collaboration with textile artist Marie Jones, to be worn as a performance costume.
An EP of tracks called PseudoSonication is available on SoundCloud and features all the techniques used in the project.